Monday, July 23, 2007

Celebrity Support for the Build 4 Life Project

Hilda Fay, better known as Tracey in RTE's soap Fair City can be seen here offering her support for the Build 4 Life project.Hilda Fay, better known as Tracey in RTE's soap Fair City can be seen here offering her support for the Build 4 Life project.

Build4life is a joint fundraising venture between parents of Cystic Fibrosis patients in Cork & Kerry, set up to raise much needed funds and to raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Build4life is in the process of building two 4 bedroomed houses in the new Clonough housing development in Castleisland, Co. Kerry as part of a fundraising drive to raise 1 million euro to develop a specialised Cystic Fibrosis ward in Cork University Hospital. It is expected this project will last 12 months at which time the houses will be auctioned off. Please help us spread the word!

The Michelle O' Connor Memorial Walk

This year, the annual 10 Kilometre Walk in aid of Cystic Fibrosis has been renamed 'The Michelle O'Connor Memorial Walk', in honour of our dear friend who passed away from the disease. This walk has been wonderfully successful in the 2 years since its launch, & we're hoping this year will be just as good - even better if the sun ever decides to shine!!
The Sponsorship Cards are now ready & we are asking everyone who can to get involved. Walk it, jog it, bring the kids - whatever way you want to get involved please do! Cards are available from the Killarney Advertiser, Who's For Shoes in the Inisfallen Mall, from Tim @ the KDYS, or you can email or call anyone listed as a contact on our site & we'll get cards sent to you.
The walk will take place on Sunday the 9th of September, (time will be confirmed) beginning at the Killarney Outlet Centre, stopping at the viewing spot in Aghadoe, continuing down Bothairin na Marbh, and back down to Killarney Town. It promises to be a hugely fun day for participants so please come out and walk in honour of this worth cause!
Build 4 Life are looking for help to achieve their ambitious aim of raising 1million euro to provide better care for CF patients.

There are many ways in which you can help including the following:

1. Make a donation.
Account Number: 45601352 Sort Code: 90 57 58 (Bank of Ireland, Killarney)

2. Organise a fund raiser to benefit Build 4 Life.
Contact us now for more details.

3. Contribute any item on the Materials List.
Click here for details.

4. Please consider making build4life your Charity of the Year for 2007.

Any contribution, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated,


Mary B Hand :: 1983 to 2006 ::

In Loving Memory of a beautiful person. Mary passed away the 7th of september 2006 after a long battle with Cystic Fibrosis.Mary was waiting for a life saving lung transplant that sadly never happened. Watch More Videos Uploaded by